Obituary Notices

Obituaries » Alyn Nathaniel LUXTON

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10 June 1924 - 29 July 2019

Date of Funeral Service 5 August 2019

Funeral Tribute Centre Generation Funerals Bundaberg

Funeral Location Bundaberg Church of Christ

Family, friends and ex service personal of Alyn are invited to attend a Funeral Service to be held MONDAY, August 5, 2019, in the Bundaberg Church of Christ, Twyford St, commencing at 10.00am, followed by interment in the Bundaberg Lawn Cemetery,(Hampson St entrance).

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Aged 95 years.

RAAF 67746

Late of Bolton Clarke Fairways and formerly of Argyle Village.

Passed away peacefully July 29, 2019.

Loved Husband of Lucia (Dec), loving Father, Father in law, Grandfather and Great Grandfather to his family.

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